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  • Does my child face a risk for injury with martial arts?
    Our program is extremely safe. We have measures upon measures in place to ensure that your child will stay safe, and have a great time. From stretching to warmups to very close supervision - we've got your child covered. Injuries do happen sometimes - but they're quite rare.
  • My child isn't athletic. Can they still participate in martial arts if they're not athletic?
    Absolutely. Martial arts teaches kids to be coordinated, flexible and strong. Kids who don't naturally have these qualities develop them. Kids who do have these qualities grow them even more.
  • Do kids enjoy martial arts? Do they stick with it for a while?
    Kids have a blast here. There's smiling and laughter throughout every class. We have our moments of intense concentration and focus... but we always balance things out with fun and games to keep everything alive and light.
  • Is martial arts a skill or talent that will give my child pride and confidence?
    Yes! A lot of kids perform their martial arts moves in talent shows and other things. Their friends are always blown away. The positive feedback children receive helps build their self-esteem and confidence. Kids feel good knowing they can do something that's "cool and special."
  • What ages are the other kids in the martial arts classes?
    Our classes are divided by age so that we can teach according to a student's attention span and coordination level using age-specific drills. Our Li'l Dragons program consists of children 3-7 years old, our juniors program teaches 8-14 year olds and our adult classes consist of 15 years old and up. Martial arts is the kind of thing that grows with you. So as kids get older, they learn new techniques, perfect old ones, and advance.
  • Do boys and girls take martial arts?
    Yes! We have a good mix of both girls and boys in our kids martial arts classes! Some people think that the boys are much “stronger and tougher,” but in reality this is not true. In fact, often girls are the stronger ones!
  • Does martial arts make kids physically aggressive?
    No way! Martial Arts is about peace, harmony and diplomacy. It teaches children how to AVOID fights - not pick them.

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2 Weeks


Includes Uniform


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